Tom's Fishing Report
Date: May 20, 2018 at 6:57:21 AM PDT
I took out Ray Lack and Dan Range both of Visalia early Saturday morning for a wonderful day of fishing. We use Paulina Peak Tackle in pink and orange spinner hoochies and moon jelly Dodgers for 54 hookups. They kept 15 fish. Nine Kokanee and six rainbow. We caught 14 of next years Kokanee around 7” and safely released them all. The hookup to boat ratio was down a bit the last couple weeks. We caught 40% of our fish on surface from black rock to the island and around the point. The rest down to 21’. Dan recently had a heart valve replacement and had never caught a Kokanee before today. It was a great day at Shaver for us.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: May 26, 2018 at 8:31:24 PM PDT
The weather was quite cold but we were able to still fish Friday. Dr.Bruce Potter and I broke in a new trolling motor on Potters new Tracker Boat. We used Paulina Peak tackle for 52 hookups putting two limits of Kokanee and two trout in the ice chest. We released safely nineteen of next years Kokanee. “The younger Kokanee attack the lures harder than the more mature fish” said Potter. Saturday I took out Jaime Peck of Irvine and Dan Allwardt from Rocklin for eight Kokanee and two trout in two and a half hours. The younger fish were hard to get away from but eventually the larger fish were willing to bite. Saturday afternoon Rachelle Allwardt was able to get four 14” Kokanee before the cold forced us off the water after forty five minutes. We caught fish literally over the entire lake from surface down to twenty nine feet with scented corn.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: June 3, 2018
I had a wonderful trip today with a very fun and kind family. The kids (Ave and Wyland Castanos)
and their father Peter. We were the first boat on the water and I arrived at their dock at 5:30 am. It
paid dividends immediately as we hooked on to 10 fish in 20 minutes or so. We had multiple triple
hookups and many doubles. The Paulina Peak Tackle worked flawlessly all day. We used pink, orange
and cotton candy flutter hoochies along with purpls haze, blue, pink spinner and wickiup hoochies with
matching dodgers. We used the skateboard style Dodgers on top and those rods caught fish all day. We
had 52 total hookups today keeping 15 Kokanee, one Rainbow and we either released or lost the balance.
The water temp was 59.8 F in the morning and went up to 60.7 by 10:30. We fished the point to the island
and the dam area all morning. I can't say enough how well mannered and intelligent these children are.
It was my pleasure to take you guys out today.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: June 6, 2018
Saturday I took out Bill and Valerie Cooper from Santa Clarita along with their 14 year old granddaughter, Lauren. We had action right out of our marina boating 10 fish in the first half hour. The Paulina Peak Tackle hoochies in pink and purple haze were the top lures. They had 48 total hookups keeping their three limits of Kokanee and a brown trout. We released 12 of the smaller Kokanee also. The point to the island and Shaver Marina were the best locations from surface to 39 feet down. Sunday Ray Lack from Tulare and his friend, Jim from Sanger, had a quick trip getting their limits plus releasing another 11 smaller Kokanee by 9:30 after a 6 am departure. We fished the same locations with Paulina's cotton candy flutter hoochie catching the most fish. The water temp is 62.5 degrees, so the surface rods may not be as successful in the weeks to come with the warmer temps approaching.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: June 17, 2018
I fished both days this weekend. I had a charter Saturday with Peter Castanos and we had a great day. We had over 45 fish to the net including two of the trophy trout and two other nice plants to go with a limit of Kokanee. Peter had one of the kokanee measure close to 17”. We used Paulina Peak Tackle flutter hoochies in cotton candy and pink with matching dodgers along with a skateboard dodger and white hoochie for the majority of the fish. We fished from the dam to the point and in front of Shaver Lake Marina. Water temp was 65.5
Sunday I took out my mother (Joanne) and stepdad (Don Robbins)for some early fishing and we put eight fish in the ice chest by 8:15. It got cold so we went in lol.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: July 1, 2018
I had a great Sunday taking two fine young gentlemen fishing with their grandfather and mother (Aunt to Mason). We had a good bite early and then it showed down a bit. Ben Erkenbrecher and Mason Zaremba fished while Grandfather Andy watched with Ben’s mother Melissa.
We had 31 hookups, kept 11 fish and released a few smaller fish. Our largest fish was 15 ¾” Kokanee. Paulina Peak Tackle was solid with the pink or orange spinner hoochies being the top setups. We had great conversation and the boys had amazing questions and they even ran the downriggers. They learned how to filet fish and by now I think they may have found out how great they taste. I hope they continue to fish and enjoy the outdoors.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira
Date: July 1, 2018
Three Generations of Peck’s in these wonderful pictures. Tom Peck, with sons Brian and Jamie and Jamie’s son Brandon. They did great, we had 46 hookups getting 33 to net and released 11 small Kokanee.
The boys took home 21 total fish: 18 Kokanee and 3 trout. I hope you enjoy your fish tacos. Paulina Peak Tackle worked again Flutter hoochie and pink spinner hoochie were the best setups. Water temp is 70.1 now, so surface rods weren’t as productive. I’m very lucky to have been able to experience not only fishing but camping with these awesome men.
Thank you
Tom Oliveira